LGBTIQA+ Inclusion

All Australians should have the opportunity to be involved in sport and physical activity, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background or ethnicity. It is important that sporting bodies, from local clubs through to national sporting organisations, reflect the diversity in the communities they are a part of, and that together, we ensure every person is treated with respect and dignity and protected from discrimination – Sport Australia.

As the ‘Voice of Sport’ in our region, Sport Central Coast encourage and support our local sport and active recreation clubs and associations to ensure they reflect the diversity of the Central Coast and provide equitable and visible opportunities for our LGBTIQA+ community to participate in and experience the connection, health and social benefits which sport and active recreation provide. 

Many members of the LGBTIQA+ community miss out on these benefits as a result of not feeling welcome or even safe, able to be themselves or as a result of previous negative experiences in sport and recreation with 80% of people having witnessed or experienced homophobia in sport (*Out on the Fields Survey).

If your club or association would like to break down barriers and promote social inclusion and provide a more welcoming and diverse sporting community on the Central Coast; please view the below resources and together with your members, challenge the expectations of what you can achieve.  

LGBTIQA+ inclusive resources for community clubs and associations