Disability Inclusion

enjoying a game of bowls
A participant playing bowls at Gosford Bowing Green using a Hacksaw Bowling Arm and a walking frame.

Central Coast Council has developed a valuable resource for local sport and active recreation providers as part of the Activate Central Coast campaign. 

Accessible and Inclusive Sport and Recreation is vital to the Central Coast community

Central Coast Council has developed a valuable resource for local sport and active recreation providers as part of the Activate Central Coast campaign. The Accessible and Inclusive Sport and Active Recreation Resource provides information, tips and easy-to-follow checklists for community sport and active recreation clubs and associations. It is designed to help providers make their activities and venues more accessible and inclusive to attract membership and participation from people with disabilities.

“Sport and Active Recreation connects people with their community, improves their health and well-being and provides a range of benefits to our economy."

With one in five Australians having a disability, the Accessible and Inclusive Sport and Recreation Resource can help local sport and active recreation providers make adjustments, that can allow more people in our community to participate in their favourite sport or active recreation activity and have family and friends watch and cheer from the sidelines.

The Resource Booklet provides information on:

  • How providers can grow their programs, activities, and competitions
  • Providing employment and volunteering opportunities for people with disabilities
  • Making your physical environment more accessible
  • Moving beyond business as usual towards best practice and innovation 

This is just one of the ways Central Coast Council is demonstrating its commitment to improve access and inclusion for people with disabilities. It is Council’s vision to enable everyone to fully participate and contribute to community life on the Coast.  

We encourage our local sport and active recreation providers to include people with a disability in all aspects of their activities, as well as challenge their own expectations of what they can achieve.

If you are interested in having Councils Disability Inclusion and Sports Activation and Development Officers visit your club or association to discuss how you can implement the recommendations from the resource booklet, please contact 

[email protected]

[email protected]

Find out more about how Council are creating an accessible and inclusive community.